Izkoristite LinkedIn za marketing & prodajo
Izkoristite LinkedIn za marketing & prodajo

Pokazala vam bom, kako odkriti njegovo moč!

LinkedIn delavnice  


LinkedIn za B2B podjetja

LinkedIn za B2B podjetja

LinkedIn za B2B podjetja

LinkedIn pomaga graditi vašo kredibilnost in zaupanje ter poiskati potencialne stranke.

Naučila vas bom, kako izkoristiti priložnosti LinkedIna, da boste pospešili marketing in prodajo. 

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LinkedIn za organizatorje dogodkov

LinkedIn za organizatorje dogodkov

LinkedIn za organizatorje dogodkov

LinkedIn je aktualna tema za (spletne) marketinške dogodke in poslovne konference.

Svoje LinkedIn znanje bom ponesla med udeležence.

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Seznam podjetji, s katerimi sem sodelovala

Vesela in ponosna sem, da sem imela priložnost delati z izjemnimi ljudmi v podjetjih, organizacijah in medijih po vseh Sloveniji.


Kaj pravijo o meni

Hvaležna sem za priložnost in zaupanje, da lahko delam z izjemnimi posamezniki. In VELIKA hvala za te prijazne besede.

  • Matija Zajšek, SEO expert

    I just finished mentoring where a client told me they found me on LinkedIn, not Google as I thought. Manca, just one hour of our conversation was enough for LinkedIn to work very successfuly for me!

    Matija Zajšek, SEO expert

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  • Srečo Zakrajšek, IAM

    Manca Korelc has prepared a very interesting and high quality lecture about the website content production. The participants were impressed by her communicativeness and outstanding knowledge of the field, so they asked a...

    Srečo Zakrajšek, IAM

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  • Sara Gabrič, Marketing manager at SENSOR

    Manca is an excellent lecturer who knows how to motivate on her lectures with her energetic approach and her knowledge and resourcefulness! Looking forward to learn more from her.

    Sara Gabrič, Marketing manager at SENSOR

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  • Katja Hus, Comtron

    We cooperate with Manca from this year on. She gave a lecture on our biggest event of the year Comtron Roadshow, where she spoke about social network and trends and online advertisment. Our customer from the IT department...

    Katja Hus, Comtron

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  • Alen Rebič, OpenIT

    She is one of the few lecturers who sends her presentation before the deadline and it's a big plus when you are dealing with event preparation and have many other things to do.She is also very attentive and energetic person,...

    Alen Rebič, OpenIT

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  • Milena Pelipenko, Marketing Manager at Gospodarsko razstavišče

    Manca knows well what the expectatoins of our target groups are and what the purpose of social networking is. Under her mentoring six Facebook pages have been brought back to life that with the right emphasises resulted in...

    Milena Pelipenko, Marketing Manager at Gospodarsko razstavišče

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Spletna stran uporablja piškotke za boljše delovanje

Z brskanjem po naši spletni strani se strinjate, da lahko uporabljamo piškotke, ki so namenjeni vaši boljši uporabniški izkušnji na naši spletni strani. Za lastne potrebe analitike uporabljamo Google Analytics, ki v ta namen namesti piškotke (izbriši GA piškotke). Več o piškotkih.